Getting Started


For use cases in which a pre-defined schema is beneficial or required, you can define class fields, indexes, Class Level Permissions and more.

Quick Start

You can use Defined Schema as in the following example.

const { ParseServer } = require("parse-server");

const UserSchema = {
  className: "_User",
  fields: {
    birthDate: { type: "Date" },
    firstname: { type: "String", required: true },
    lastname: { type: "String", required: true },
    tags: { type: "Array" },
    location: { type: "GeoPoint" },
    city: { type: "Pointer", targetClass: "City" },
    friends: { type: "Relation", targetClass: "_User" },
    zone: { type: "Polygon" },
  indexes: {
    tagsIndex: { tags: 1 },
    // The special prefix _p_ is used to create indexes on pointer fields
    cityPointerIndex: { _p_city: 1 },
    tagAndCityIndex: { _p_city: 1, tags: 1 },
  classLevelPermissions: {
    find: { requiresAuthentication: true },
    count: { "role:Admin": true },
    get: { requiresAuthentication: true },
    update: { requiresAuthentication: true },
    create: { "role:Admin": true },
    delete: { "role:Admin": true },
    protectedFields: {
      // These fields will be protected from all other users. AuthData and password are already protected by default
      "*": ["authData", "emailVerified", "password", "username"],

const City = {
  className: "City",
  fields: {
    name: { type: "String", required: true },
    location: { type: "GeoPoint" },
    country: { type: "Pointer", targetClass: "Country" },
  classLevelPermissions: {
    find: { requiresAuthentication: true },
    count: { requiresAuthentication: true },
    get: { requiresAuthentication: true },
    // Only a user linked to the Admin Parse Role is authorized to manage cities
    update: { "role:Admin": true },
    create: { "role:Admin": true },
    delete: { "role:Admin": true },

const Country = {
  className: "Country",
  fields: {
    name: { type: "String", required: true },
  classLevelPermissions: {
    find: { requiresAuthentication: true },
    count: { requiresAuthentication: true },
    get: { requiresAuthentication: true },
    // An empty object means that only master key is authorized to manage countries
    update: {},
    create: {},
    delete: {},

  databaseURI: "mongodb://your.mongo.uri",
  appId: "myAppId",
  masterKey: "mySecretMasterKey",
  serverURL: "http://localhost:1337/parse",
  port: 1337,
  publicServerURL: "http://localhost:1337/parse",
  // Define schemas of Parse Server
  schema: {
    definitions: [User, City, Country],
    // If set to `true`, the Parse Server API for schema changes is disabled and schema 
    // changes are only possible by redeployingParse Server with a new schema definition
    lockSchemas: true,
    // If set to `true`, Parse Server will automatically delete non-defined classes from
    // the database; internal classes like `User` or `Role` are never deleted.
    strict: true,
    // If set to `true`, a field type change will cause the field including its data to be
    // deleted from the database, and then a new field to be created with the new type
    recreateModifiedFields: false,
    // If set to `true`, Parse Server will automatically delete non-defined class fields;
    // internal fields in classes like User or Role are never deleted.
    deleteExtraFields: false,
  serverStartComplete: () => {
    // Parse Server is ready with up-to-date schema
    parseServer.expressApp.get("/ready", (req: any, res: any) => {
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Defined Schemas with existing installation

Defined Schemas is a feature in Parse Server that allows you to define the structure of your data in the database and ensure that it stays consistent. When the server starts up, it compares the current existing schemas to the Defined Schemas that you have provided, and applies any necessary changes to bring them in line with each other.

To use Defined Schemas on your existing Parse Server installation, follow the steps below carefully:

1. Connect to your Parse Dashboard

If you already have an hosted or deployed Parse Dashboard, you can skip to step 2. If not, you can follow the “Getting Started” guide for the Parse Dashboard: Parse Dashboard Getting Started

2. Extract Schemas using JS Console

To access the API Console and JS Console in the Parse Dashboard:

  • On the Parse Dashboard, go to the left sidebar and click on “API Console”.
  • In the API Console, click on “JS Console”.
  • In the JS Console, copy and paste the following code:
const schemas = await Parse.Schema.all();
  • Click “Run”.

After running this code, you should see a JSON string of your current schemas displayed in the console, including their CLPs (Class Level Permissions), indexes, and fields. This will give you an overview of the current structure of your data in the database.

3. Paste schemas in your existing code

Follow the “Getting Started” section of Defined Schema and paste your extracted JSON string. With luck your IDE, will reformat the JSON for you. Otherwise you can easily find online tools to convert JSON string to JS Array/Object.

4. Backup your database

As a best practice, before any deployment that involves Schema changes, perform a full database backup to prevent any data loss and to be able to roll back if something goes wrong.

5. Deploy your new Parse Server with Defined Schemas

Once the backup is done, you can deploy your new Parse Server. After the deployment, you can check the Parse Dashboard to ensure that all of your classes, fields, indexes, and CLPs are correct.

If something goes wrong during the deployment, you can roll back your database, deploy the previous version of your Parse Server, adjust and review your Defined Schemas, and then repeat steps 4 and 5.

6. Future deployments

If you are using Defined Schemas, it is recommended to set up a CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) process to automate your deployments. In this case, you should use the lockSchemas: true option to prevent any conflicts with create/update API calls sent to the Schema API from the Parse Dashboard or other SDKs.

To create or update schemas (fields, indexes, CLPs) in the future, you will need to make the necessary changes in your Parse Server code and deploy a new version of your app.

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Core Classes/Fields

Parse will never delete these fields on ALL classes if not provided in a class schema

  • objectId
  • createdAt
  • updatedAt
  • ACL

Parse Server will never delete the following fields from any class, even if these fields are not defined in a class schema.

  • _User

    • username
    • password
    • email
    • emailVerified
    • authData
  • _Installation

    • installationId
    • deviceToken
    • channels
    • deviceType
    • pushType
    • GCMSenderId
    • timeZone
    • localeIdentifier
    • badge
    • appVersion
    • appName
    • appIdentifier
    • parseVersion
  • _Role

    • name
    • users
    • roles
  • _Session

    • user
    • installationId
    • sessionToken
    • expiresAt
    • createdWith
  • _Product

    • productIdentifier
    • download
    • downloadName
    • icon
    • order
    • title
    • subtitle
  • _PushStatus

    • pushTime
    • source
    • query
    • payload
    • title
    • expiry
    • expiration_interval
    • status
    • numSent
    • numFailed
    • pushHash
    • errorMessage
    • sentPerType
    • failedPerType
    • sentPerUTCOffset
    • failedPerUTCOffset
    • count
  • _JobStatus

    • jobName
    • source
    • status
    • message
    • params
    • finishedAt
  • _JobSchedule

    • jobName
    • description
    • params
    • startAfter
    • daysOfWeek
    • timeOfDay
    • lastRun
    • repeatMinutes
  • _Audience
    • objectId
    • name
    • query
    • lastUsed
    • timesUsed
  • _Idempotency
    • reqId
    • expire
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These field types are available on a Parse Schema.

required: boolean, forces the field to be set on create and update, is false by default.

defaultValue: any, a value used by Parse Server when you create a Parse Object if the field is not provided.

targetClass: string, a Parse Class name used by Parse Server to validate the Pointer/Relation

✅: Supported ❌: Not Supported

Type – required – – defaultValue – – targetClass –
Relation ✅ (required)
Pointer ✅ (required)


const UserSchema = {
  className: "_User",
  fields: {
    birthDate: { type: "Date" },
    firstname: { type: "String", required: true },
    lastname: { type: "String", required: true },
    tags: { type: "Array" },
    location: { type: "GeoPoint" },
    city: { type: "Pointer", targetClass: "City" },
    friends: { type: "Relation", targetClass: "_User" },
    zone: { type: "Polygon" },
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To optimize the Parse Server performance you can define indexes and compound indexes. Parse Server does not support indexes on special _Join classes used under the hood by the Relation type.

To define an index on a Pointer field you need to use the special notation _p_<FIELDNAME>. For example, if you define city: { type: "Pointer", targetClass: "City" } in your fields you can define an index on this pointer with cityIndexExample: { _p_city: true }.


const UserSchema = {
  className: "_User",
  fields: {
    tags: { type: "Array" },
    city: { type: "Pointer", targetClass: "City" },
  indexes: {
    tagsIndex: { tags: 1 },
    cityPointerIndex: { _p_city: 1 },
    tagAndCityIndex: { _p_city: 1, tags: 1 },
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Class Level Permissions

Setting Class Level Permissions through Defined Schema is a good first step into security systems available on Parse Server.

CLP Parameters

These CLP parameters are available:

  • find: Control search permissions
  • get: Control direct ID get permission
  • count: Control counting objects permission
  • create: Create permission
  • update: Update permission
  • delete: Delete permission
  • protectedFields: Control get permission at field level

You can set each CLP parameter to add a first strong security layer. This security layer will be applied on the Parse Class and will cover all Parse Objects of the Parse Class.

Note: If you update CLP you do not need to update Parse Objects. CLP is a security layer at Class Level not Object Level. For Object Level permission you can look to ALCs. Use CLPs combined with ACLs to deeply secure your Parse Server.

CLP Parameter Options

Available options for CLP parameters:

  • role:<roleName>: If you are making use of Parse Roles you can set the permission based on a role.”
  • requiresAuthentication: If set to true only authenticated users will have the permission.
  • *: Everybody has the permission.
  • {}: If you set the CLP key to {}, for example: create: {}. Then only calls with Parse Server Master Key will have the permission.

CLP Protected Fields Parameter

This CLP parameter allows you to restrict access to fields to specific Parse users.

We will take the Parse User Class as an example.

// className: '_User'
    protectedFields: {
      "*": ["authData", "emailVerified", "password", "username"],

Listed keys under * will be protected from all users. By default, authData, emailVerified, password are protected. But in the above example we protect username from all users. So a Parse User, even authenticated will not be able to get the username of a another Parse User.

protectedFields could be also combined as in the following example:

    protectedFields: {
      "*": ["authData", "emailVerified", "password", "username", "phone", "score"],
      "role:Admin": ["password", "authData", "emailVerified"],
      "role:VerifiedUser": ["password", "authData", "emailVerified", "score"],

In the example above, a Parse User who is a member of the Parse Role Admin will be able to get the phone and score of another Parse User. A Parse User member of the Parse Role VerifiedUser can only get phone. If a Parse User is member of VerifiedUser and Admin, he will have access to phone and score.

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An array of your Defined Parse Classes.


You can set the strict option to true if you want Parse Server to delete all Parse Objects when you remove a Defined Parse Class from your definitions. Data stored in removed classes will be lost.

By default strict is false. If you often change your schemas be aware that you will have stale data classes in your database. You will need to delete these classes (collection for MongoDB, table for Postgres) manually, through your database CLI/UI.


You can set the deleteExtraFields option to true if you want Parse Server to delete a removed Defined Parse Class field from your database. Data stored in the removed field will be lost.

By default deleteExtraFields is false. Be aware that you will have stale data fields in your database since Parse Server will not delete field data automatically. You will need to delete these fields manually.


You can set the recreateModifiedFields option to true if you want Parse Server to clean field data before updating the field type when the field type is modified. For example when changing from String to Number. Data stored under the modified field will be lost.

recreateModifiedFields defaults to false. Be aware that if you set recreateModifiedFields to true and do not perform some data migration, you can result with data type inconsistency on the modified field.

Good practice would be to create the new field of the new type, and then create a Parse Cloud Job to migrate old field data to the newly created field.


You can set the lockSchemas option to true if you want to prevent any schema manipulation and to lock the schema as defined in the Parse Server configuration. If this options is true any create, update and delete request will be denied by the Parse Server API, even with the master key. You will not be able to manipulate indexes, classLevelPermissions, fields.


A function called before Parse Server performs schema updates based on the definitions option


A function called after Parse Server performed schema updates based on the definitions option

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